Rauschenberg at the Miami Herald, looking through photography archives for source material for Cover for Tropic, The Miami Herald (1979), published in an edition of 600,000 in Miami, December 1979. Photo: Attributed to John Doman
Foundation Announces Open Call for New Archives Research Travel Fund
We are excited to announce the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives Research Travel Fund, a new opportunity for researchers and scholars interested in visiting the Rauschenberg Foundation and its Archives in New York City. The Fund will provide partial support for incurred costs related to travel expenses related to the visit.
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives, consisting of Robert Rauschenberg’s personal papers and the records from his Florida and New York studios, is the most comprehensive body of information on the artist’s life and career. The Archives Research Travel Fund supports continued scholarly and investigative use of these materials by supporting individuals that demonstrate a compelling need to use the archives and addressing financial barriers that may prohibit onsite access to the Archives. In addition, the application is open to all individuals, thereby encouraging research opportunities that move beyond traditional art historical discourse.
We invite scholars, academics, artists, and other researchers who can demonstrate a compelling need to use the archival materials onsite at the Foundation to apply. To be eligible, applicants must:
- reside 50 miles or more away from the Foundation;
- not have received a grant or other funding from the Foundation in the past 3 years; and
- be at the graduate level and above or equivalent.
All individuals eligible to travel in the United States are invited to apply. Please note, priority will be given to independent researchers or those affiliated with institutions with limited resources. Eligible travel dates are between March 1 – December 14, 2018.
Applications will open November 14, 2017, deadline to apply is December 15, 2017. More information, including eligible projects, selection criteria, and how to apply, can be found in Grants or by downloading the application guidelines.