The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation primarily supports small to midsize arts and socially-engaged organizations that are contrarian and experimental, even courageous, in driving towards equity. In addition, the Foundation amplifies the creative life of artists and scholars across the disciplines through residencies, commissions, and accessible public platforms. Finally, the Foundation supports research, exhibitions, publications, academic partnerships and special projects across the globe that promote the legacy of Rauschenberg’s joyful, responsive, and irreverent approach to making work while living an empathetic and meaningful life.


Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants: The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation is partnering with New York Foundation for the Arts to administer one-time grants of up to $5,000 for medical emergencies.

Building on the legacy of its founder, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation’s philanthropic programs aspire to create a vibrant, equitable, and sustainable world.

The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation hosts residencies at the Foundation’s New York headquarters and at the artist’s former Captiva, Florida home and studio. 

In the collaborative spirit of the artist, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation partners with institutions and organizations to increase public access to and scholarship on Rauschenberg’s artwork.