Visit the Archives

Onsite access to the Foundation archives and library, housed at the Foundation in New York, is by advance appointment. Requests for archival materials should include:

  • A brief description of the proposed research and subject matter
  • A description of archives materials requested including collection title and number, box or item number, and the brief description of the material. Search the archives collections' finding aids and review the Guide to Searching and Requesting Research Materials for more details
  • A list of any library publications. Search the library catalogue to learn more about our holdings
  • A brief bio with contact information
  • A list of dates in which you'd like to visit. Appointments are generally made on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:30 - 5:00, with a mandatory one hour break from 1:00 - 2:00. The Foundation is not open on weekends.

Appointments can be requested by contacting Because seating is limited to two researchers per day, we recommend making requests at least two weeks in advance to ensure space is available.

To encourage remote research, the archives staff have created research guides - organized lists that provide links to digitized or online Foundation resources on a given topic. Guides for additional subjects can be requested via the archives email.

For those interested in one- to two-week research intensives, the Rauschenberg Archives Research Residency is a program that provides partial support for costs related to travel and living expenses that individuals may occur in order to do research at the Rauschenberg Foundation and its archives. More information, including deadlines and how to apply, can be found in here.

Two people on opposite sides of a large table studying documents. There is a wall of shelves full of boxes on the left, another table in the foreground, and two windows in the background.

Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Archives and Library, New York.