Residency Albums

Ishmael Houston-Jones performs on the Fish House dock in a collaborative piece created with fellow residents Nina Katchadourian and Lisa Liu.

RRF Artist as Activist grantee Favianna Rodriguez and her collaborator Nichol Markowitz work on a piece in the Main Studio.

Residency #35 artists pose for a group photo.

Concetta Abbate teaches ukulele to fellow resident Amanda Galvan Huynh.

RRF Artist as Activist grantee Taece Defillo pulls a screen on the four-color screenprinting press.

Morgan Bassichis learns about the bees on the Rauschenberg property from local beekeeper Don Murray of Heritage Pointe Honey.

RRF Artist as Activist grantee jackie sumell drills metal in the Main Studio fabrication area.

Lance Gries and Photolucida's Critical Mass program awardee Patricia Lay-Dorsey perform a collaborative dance piece at an Open Studio event.

Nina Katchadourian records in the Laika Lane Studio.

Jason Hirata examines film for screenprinting.

Fellow artists help Adam Kuby move his installation piece into Pine Island Sound.

Juliette Mapp performs a piece in the Laika Lane Studio.

Residency #25 at the lunch table in the Weeks House.

Nafas learns to weld aluminum in the fabrication studio.

Elizabeth Schwaiger casts bronze into sand molds.

RRF Artist as Activist grantees The Graduates perform in the Garage Studio.

A firefighter at the Captiva Fire House explains fire safety to kids during the Family Residency.

Tyshawn Sorey plays the baby grand piano in the Main Studio.

Chef-in-Residence Jason Neve shows Mahogany L. Browne some tricks of the trade.

Photolucida's Critical Mass program awardee Jennifer Garza-Cuen speaks to a community member during an Open Studio event.

Andrea Geyer uses the etching press.

Residency #29 poses for a group photo at the Fish House.

Molly Zuckerman-Hartung works in the Main Studio.

Sopheap Pich holds a redfish he caught off the Fish House dock.

Lisa Liu plays guitar in the Garage Studio.

Alvaro Barrington speaks to students from Lehigh High School in Fort Myers during an inreach event.

LaToya Ruby Frazier works on the lithography press in the Print Studio.

Maria Chavez talks to students at an outreach event at Florida SouthWestern State College in Fort Myers.

Chef-in-Residence Jason Neve introduces Residency #36 artists to pasta-making techniques.

Maria Chavez poses for a site-specific piece in the pool in front of the Main Studio.

3Arts Fellow Benji Hart performs at an inreach event for students of Florida SouthWestern State College in Fort Myers.

Ellen Lake and Charity Thackston work on ceramics in the Bay Studio.

Ford Family Foundation Fellow Ralph Pugay creates ink drawings in the Shotgun Studio.

Ishmael Houston-Jones and Nina Katchadourian look at birds during a trip to Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel.

3Arts Fellow Rachel Ries plays guitar on the porch of Waldo Cottage.

RRF Artists as Activists Nia Wilson and Heather Lee do movement work in the Jungle.

Residency #35 artists engage in Ishmael Houston-Jones’s dance workshop in the Laika Lane Studio.

Pamela Z creates sound work in the Sound Studio.

Residency #31 artists work collectively in the Main Studio.

Eiko Otake performs while her collaborator, William Johnston, photographs at the Fish House.

Residency #29 artists enjoy a sunset at Captiva Beach. (Photo by Minouk Lim)

Kambui Olujimi uses the large-scale printers in the Main Studio’s Imaging Lab.